Our Pool Technicians Are Certified Pool Operators (CPO)
Full-Service Plan
starting at: $155/month*
Weekly Pool Service
All Maintenance Chemicals Included
Required Filter Cleanings Every 6 months - $65
Partial Service Plan
starting at: $120/month*
Weekly Pool Service
All Maintenance Chemicals Included
Required Filter Cleanings Every 6 months - $65
Infinity Pools monthly rates may vary and depend on the size of the pool, whether the pools have a spa, whether there are trees and shrubs nearby, and other additional features that a pool might have.
Both of our pool service plans include cleaning, maintenance, chemicals and minerals. The Partial Service Plan does not include netting and vacuuming.
Our Standards of Service
Never park in a customers driveway, always park in the street.
All technicians are Certified Pool Operator’s (CPO) Certification.
Filter tank is always reassembled correctly showing all warnings & gauges.
Empty all baskets to include pump and skimmer baskets.
Ensure pump is set to run after adding chemicals.
Respect your property, gates are closed upon entering and leaving.
Always wear uniforms.
Take pride in honesty & quality of customer service.
Quality chemicals are included in our service.
Infinity Pools™ provides a premium pool cleaning service leaving pools safe.
Filter tank cleaningis billed twice a year March and Sept and includes as many cleanings as needed during each six month period.
We use the PoolRX natural mineral technology these units are added once a year generally in Spring time and billed once yearly. It’s the perfect solution to simple, amazing water.